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Comunicado leido el dia 5.06.2016 al final de la Manifestación celebrada en Barcelona organizada por la PDE.

The Ebro River Basin Scientific and Technical Advisory Group is an independent group of professors and researchers with the main objective to contribute to a sustainable management of water and aquatic ecosystems in the Ebro River Basin. The group is composed by scientists that work or have worked in the Ebro River Basin in some topic related to sustainable management of water, publishing books, papers or any other type of document that has, or may contribute to a better water management in the basin.

The scientific evidence of the inadequacy of the approved environmental flows for the sustainability of the Ebro Delta was one of the reasons why the Spanish National River Plan was cancelled in 2004 and substituted by a new Plan. Many of the restoration measures suggested by the group were included in the PIPDE (Plan Integral para la Protección del Delta del Ebro). Since that time, the scientific work on the Ebro River and its Delta has fired up and now the number of Ph D. Thesis and scientific papers on the ecology and socioeconomy of the basin has provided even much clear evidence of the environmental flow regime that the Ebro Delta needs to maintain or restore the ecosystem services that provides.

All these actions, works and papers deriving form the scientific activity have been nearly ignored in the new Ebro Water Management Plan (2nd Cycle) approved by the Spanish Government early 2016, which establishes an environmental river flow for the lower Ebro River and its Delta far from the water volume necessary to assure the long term sustainability of the ecosystem and the local economy. In fact, all the River Basin has many river sections with river flow allocations lower than those required to maintain or restore the Ecological Status of the rivers as the Water Framework Directive demands. The group proposes that only a proper Integrated River Catchment Management may provide the basis for a sustainable management of water resources and the accomplishment of the objectives of WFD.  The scientist concerned with the preservation of the lower Ebro and its Delta offers its experience to all the citizens of the Ebro Basin, to managers and to policy makers to ensure that any future Water Management Plan accomplishes the WFD requirements.

Barcelona 05.06.2016

Comunicado leído por el Prof. Narcís Prat acompañado del Dr. Carles Ibañez y con la aprobación de 33 profesores e investigadores españoles. El grupo no está cerrado y próximamente anunciará sus actividades para poder cumplir sus objetivos. Investigadores o profesores que deseen pertenecer al grupo pueden contactar con: Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo. o bien con Esta dirección de correo electrónico está siendo protegida contra los robots de spam. Necesita tener JavaScript habilitado para poder verlo..

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